Diari d'un professor a NY: serà un recull de les meves observacions, pensaments i emocions de una aventura que m'ha portat a New York a fer de professor. Diari d'un professor a NY: será una colección de mis observaciones, pensamientos y emociones de una aventura que me ha llevado a New York a trabajar como profesor. Diari d'un professor a NY: will be a collection of observations, thaugts and emotions of an adventure that brought me to New York to work as a teacher.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

VIP invitation

From: Aquil-li Ruiz
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:04 AM
To: Middle School
Subject: VIP invitation


Dear colleagues,

Let me share something with you. Last year the first Friday of school I received an invitation to go to a TGIF. Being my first time hearing about TGIF, I went because I normally go wherever I am invited.

There are several things that characterize UNIS; for instance we have our MS Staff meetings, MESH meetings, M1, M2, M3 and M&Ms classes… God!! All named by acronyms that were difficult for an ETL* person like me.

Anyway, I really think that TGIF is a very nice tradition and really helps us to get together, to get to know our colleagues out of school and to have a better working environment (if that is possible…).

I am having a TGIF in my place this coming Friday the 20th. You do not have to RVSP. You need to make up your mind ASAP and save the date, if you feel like coming, just do so… it will be my pleasure. Any time after 4.15pm

Aquil·li Ruiz i Comellas




VIP – Very Important Person
FYI – For Your Interest
TGIF – Thanks God Is Friday
UNIS – United Nations International School
MS – Middle School
M1, M2, M3.. Middle 1, 2, 3
M&M’s candy
*ETL (I made up that one, check me out… English as a Third Language
RSVP – Respondez S'il Vous Plait
ASAP – As Soon As Possible
AKA – Also Known As